
Online quizzes

I have discovered another marketing tactics advertisers have using. Lately, I intendedly came across to a quiz and test website that offers variety of quizzes and test that are rare to find in the internet. My curiosity took ahead of my decision to go on, for a change, and discover how crazy am I by letting myself go through the test. I had finished the first page constitute of seven (7) questions, noticeably the seventh question about my birthday. Second page composed of the same number of questions and the last was asking about the zip code.

Before answering the question, I took a breath and think awhile for there was a kind of suspicious feelings inside of my head. I felt that there'll be something to discover should i'll go on. There I was at the 3rd page asking my name, email address, and street address. Bingo!

Fourth page showed advertisement but I skipped the page due to my eagerness to see the final output of the game. Unfortunately I was not able to come to the end, skipping the fifth page did not allowed me to go through which means of forcing up signing to the form by the advertiser.

I therefore concluded they will gonna send me follow up marketing tactics through the email i have provided to them. But i am not fool enough to give the real identification of myself. I just want to discover thing the reason I answered the quiz.

If you happen to meet some kind of quizzes don't let yourself hooked to those, read carefully and have some kind of investigation about the url's and the purpose of the quizzes for it may give you trouble in the long run.

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