
Outstanding Postie

As a newbie in the field of monetizing blogging, my interest is just to post at least a complete personal article in a day or at least four times a week. I have never known that consistency is very essential in the world of blog monetizing, that is in contextual linking. Blog cannot be approved instantly or even after a thorough evaluation of the evaluators as they could see deficiency that may harm the requirements have been set.

The Payperpost which is actually, I guess, the leading program being loved by the bloggers require a less 30 absents post within the period of 90 days which in my part, at first, has no justice at all. Later on, after three attempt of submitting my blog, Remeline, I finally succeed and have posted, at the moment, 47 posts in which 42 have been approved already.

Some bloggers claimed that Payperpost is not fair but I might contradict with their opinion. Maybe they have some trouble with PPP but in my case, the staffs have their hearts of attending my complaints and responding quickly my tickets which cause of harmonious relationship between me and them. So far, I have been listed as one of the outstanding postie and successfully gained an auto approved post.

It is great!

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