rHr might go
Nice to be back
I opened up numerous blogs which suddenly dumped as hectic schedules begun. Only one of those blogs remain alive which successfully approaching to its 3rd year in the blogosphere. With that blog, I cannot deny to earn living through paid posting. I can see the beneficial attribute of paid blogging to my personal life, and to my love ones. I was able to bought material things for myself, sustain the needs of my family and household expenses to name few. Until such time google attacked blogs which caused or re-ranking; my blog's rank fluctuate to zero from five.
With that, my earning suddenly become lessen. Eventually, my eagerness to write everyday post declined. But as day pass by I feel that I should have back to blogging, not for monetary reward but self-fulfillment. I started blogging for fun so I should go back for that goal, not because of paid-blogging. There are lots of day-to-day experiences I have to jot down, from work and for being a mother of two. Experiences that anyone might be beneficial in any ways.
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Personally, blogging is just like a diary where day-to-day accomplishment is written for the sake of memories and future references. This is the way my blogs have been started with. Later, it becomes the stream of cash wherein the flow never stops no matter the season is.
I love blogging because of the two above mentioned reasons. Despite of being busy in balancing two major task in life - work and being a mother of two - blogging is something that I can't resist whenever possible. In fact, I can tag myself as a blogging addi cted.
Personal website hosting is the life of the blogging career. To be able to maintain the blog appears in the blogosphere, a person should be aware that hitching to public blog site is not enough to surpass the competition in the blogging world. For me, yes, it is a world of competition. I am pertaining to different kind of competition but not for the literal meaning of it. A blogger compete in the aspect of designing and personalizing his own blog, so how could he made it personalized according to his preference when he has limited access on the pages needed enhancement and revision?
I am planning to add new blog for myself, the plan was considered after my graduation last May in Master in Educational Management. Because of the challenging jobs my current company is designated I would like to put into writing every inch of the detailed accomplishment until I reached another phase of my life - of becoming a doctor of the field I know I am very much specialized, academe.
Webhostingpad dot com answers my problem of which web hosting company should I entrust my new blog. With only just $1.99 per month my blog site will be on the go in the blogosphere, not bad. In fact, this is one of the generous web hosting site I ever found in the net since the time I started searching hosting company. It is incomparable even to the local web hosting company in my country. Kudos to you, webhostingpad dot com.
Traffic lights
...and I opened my eyes!
After a week depression I decided to get back my old views in life. I had few nights in reflection, analyzing the cons and prons of everything, summarizing the over all contributing factors of what I am today. With the help of KERYGMA entertainment magazine, I realized that I am just so lucky than anybody else.
I lift over my life to the Lord, by the help of friends in the academe who never let me down during the crisis. With them, I found the exact meaning of rejoice, forgiveness and faith. They became another reason for me to smile, to feel eager attending my evening class in Rizal College, and to stay cool in most of the time.
The Lord has His way of saying He cares. Through these two women around me, He sent me His angel to make me realize how blessed I am.